
Saint Paul VI Institute and the Nelson family proudly recognizes and congratulates Mary Nelson, CFCP, Director of Steubenville FertilityCare™ Center as the recipient of the 2024 Outstanding Creighton Practitioner Award. This honor was presented to her at the 43rd annual meeting of the American Academy of FertilityCare™ Professionals in Houston,Texas, July 27th, 2024.
Creighton Model FertilityCare™ and NaProTECHNOLOGY™ is a research-based model of understanding women’s fertility health, individually and as a couple, to achieve their fertility goals. Not only does Creighton Model serve to educate but also has medical and surgical treatment for difficult and often untreated women’s health issues such as endometriosis, PCOS, miscarriages, infertility and hormonal imbalances.
Mary began her path with Creighton FertilityCare™ in November of 2000, achieving her advanced certification in 2008 at the age of 66. After being turned down to partner with local women’s health organizations, she began her own non-profit center - Steubenville FertilityCare™ Center. She began educational sessions with students at Franciscan University of Steubenville and especially enjoyed sharing this FertilityCare™ knowledge with nursing students. She supported couples and individuals just beginning to understand their fertility as well as collaborating with Creighton NaProTECHNOLOGY™ surgeons to enable others to conceive a prayed-for baby.
Early in her practice she worked with an engaged couple, one of which later became a NaProTECHNOLOGY™ doctor. This same doctor performed a surgery which allowed the conception and birth of her great-granddaughter.
In 2002, the Steubenville FertilityCare™ Center Board encouraged and realized Mary’s dream of an annual continuing education seminar. These have been a success and have continued annually, even going virtual during Covid. Dr. Thomas Hilgers, founder of NaProTECHNOLOGY™, attended and lectured in 2010, recognizing Steubenville FertilityCare™ Center as an important contribution to women’s health.
At the age of 82, Mary continues to provide her expertise to students, couples and women in all walks of life, at a low cost and has embarked to provide care though virtual meetings and the Creighton FertilityCare™ app. She promotes fertility care yearly at Franciscan University of Steubenville, often being the first encounter male students have with women’s fertility. She never tires in her passion for women’s health and fertility, and she looks forward to every new person and situation.
She is married to her husband Dave for 62 years. Truly a team, Dave is her rock and is often found quietly managing the background and technical issues.
During her free time she enjoys daily mass, intercessory prayer, attending the Nutcracker and First Friday’s events in downtown Steubenville, Franciscan University summer conferences, canning summer foods, making cheesecake for family events, and sewing individualized Christmas stockings for each new family member. Besides directing Steubenville FertilityCare™ Center, she spends time with her and Dave’s 7 children, 45 grandchildren and 51 great grandchildren.
After recently renewing her accreditation through 2028, her new challenge is mastering virtual Introductory Sessions and serving her clients through a FertilityCare™ App. She gives all the glory and honor to the Holy Family from whom she accredits with her ability to share Creighton FertilityCare™ Model with others. Mary can be contacted through Steubenville FertilityCareTM Center at [email protected].